You Want to cut to the chase... I respect that. 

Without any further ado, Here's a taste of My Work!
Prestige REEL
highlighting all visual work compiling of Mostly narrative work with some documentary and exhibition work.
A Compilation of the stage shows i've cAPtured.
ALt-Erred Editing Breakdown (2019)
A breakdown of my editing work on short film, Alt-Erred. For more information on the short film can be found by clicking the Works tab.
These Roots Series trailer (2021)
Preview Trailer introducing These Roots. For more information on the series can be found by clicking the Works tab.
Behind the Varnish Trailer (2020)
Trailer for Self Produced Short Documentary BEHIND THE VARNISH. For more information on the short Documentary can be found by clicking the Filmography tab.
THE Return of Brian Willing Promo (2020)
Updated Promo for The Return of Brian Willing web Series/Pilot. More info for the Project can be found in the works Tab of the site!
"Climate Cheer/Outtake"
The Return of Brian Willing (2019)
A lovely moment between set turned into the closing credits for a webisode. Full story Under the Works Tab.
Wicked City Blues Social Media Promo (2019)
Upon hiring me to capture the show when it premiered, I was also commissioned to create A Behind the scenes video to share on social media.
FAn/Spot Trailers
(Please note: The following is meant to demonstrate my capability of Creating a promo for an ad spot as well as have some fun! All Rights belong to the Original right holders.)
[Avengers: INFinity War/Endgame]
{"I. Crawl" - Childish gambino}
In February 2019, I Actually got the idea for this while on my way to a job interview. While listening to this song, I saw most of what you're watching now in my head.

I also designed the thumbnail using Adobe PhotoShop.
[Be warned: Language]
{"YOU CAN'T STOP this Mother F*****" by Tyler bates}
While Hearing this tongue in cheek satirical song during the big fight scene in Deadpool 2, I was thinking how much more suitable for another Josh Brolin character he played.... 
[Be warned: Language]
SHAdow of a Doubt Fan trailer (2012)
[Shadow of a Doubt]
This was My student project in my AVID editing Class during my time at pace university. I chose to include it as a point of reference showcasing where I came from as an editor.
I also utilized the ambient music in throughout the film underneath the trailer.
[Edited with the Avid Media Composer under my birth Name, Almam Akempta-Kargbo.]
Thanks for making it to the end!
If you'd like to find out more about my journey in Film/Video Production, hit the 'Who Am I?' button on the left to get more of my story! Or if you wanted to learn more about the particular projects here, you can click the Filmography or Works buttons Directly below!

If you're interested in enlisting my services, feel free to reach out to me below the buttons and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience! 
Thank you!
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